Side three follows the same bookend format as side two, however this time it’s the uptempo rock duet ‘The Spirit on Man’ that is sandwiched between the avante-garde soundscape of ‘The Red Weed’.
The main melody for ‘The Red Weed’ in the key of B, however this played over an arpeggio in G. The two keys only have one note in common creating disturbing dissonance. Wayne is utilising this approach to represent the fact that the red weed is both beautiful and deadly. This haunting and dreamlike, free-form jazz soundscape drifts along without any obvious rhythm or time signature.
‘The Spirit of Man’ is in the key of Bm. The song is a powerful duet with Phil Lynott (Parson Nathaniel) singing the verse sections and Julie Covington (Beth) singing the chorus. The piece has several different sections and dances around a great deal being more complicated than a typical rock or pop song. There’s also a key change in the verse section which adds even more energy and momentum to Parson Nathaniel’s hysterical ranting. There seems to be two distinctly different middle eight sections—one sung by Lynott and the other by Covington. There’s quite a lot going on and it’s an incredibly well structured and dynamic piece with lovely melodies on top of a pulsing rock groove.
Side three gradually winds down and drifts away into subdued nothingness with a reprise of ‘The Red Weed’.
‘Brave New World’ is in the key of Eb. This piece, sung by David Essex dominates most of side four. Essex’s performance is outstanding as he alternates his singing seamlessly with the delusional rhetoric of the artilleryman. As with ‘The Spirit of Man’ the piece is composed of quite few different sections and the arrangement is extrordinary. For example, the military band section by Ken Freeman on synthesiser is beautifully and meticulously arranged – a huge amount of work has gone into crafting it.
‘Dead London’ is based on a repetitive jangle piano piece played by Wayne. It paints a vivid picture of a derelict London littered with debris, ruined buildings and the dying Martians—slain by the humblest of things—tiny bacteria.
Side four closes with two epilogue pieces. The first is an optimistic reprise of one of the upbeat military band sections from ‘Brave New World’—a celebration of life returning to normal. The second is a more sinister piece added by Wayne where NASA lose contact with probes sent to Mars. This was not in Wells’ book, however at the time of the album release NASA had launched the two ‘Viking’ explorer probes to Mars in search of life on the red planet.
Narration (0.36)
A1 (String intro – 1/2 section) (0.55)
A1 (synth – 1 main theme and heat ray motif/hook) (1.32)
A1 (Strings with harpsichord then fuzz guitar) (2.12)
B1 (Spacey electric guitar) (2.34)
C1 (Pipe synth – ‘Chances of anything coming from Mars’ theme) (2.52)
A1 (Strings with harpischord then fuzz guitar) (3.31)
B1 (Spacey electric guitar) (3.54)
C1 (Pipe synth) (4.11)
A1 (4.31)
D1 (woo, woo, woos) (4.40)
B1 (narration) (5.14)
C1 (Pipe synth) (5.34)
A1 (Strings and synth) (5.47)
A1 (narration) (6.10)
C1 (vocals – ‘The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one’) (6.30)
A1 (narration) (7.05)
C1 (vocals – ‘The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one’) (7.45)
A1 (8.09)
D1 (woo, woo, woos) (8.32)
D1 (narration) (9.04)
A2 (bass riff and sound of cylinder lid unscrewing) (1.10)
A2 (narration) (1.22)
A2 (bass riff + tar/dulcimer + voice synth) (1.32)
A2 (narration) (1.56)
B2 (Tar) (2.13)
C2 (Tar and wobbly synth) (2.31)
B2 (Tar) (2.49)
C2 (Tar and wobbly synth) (3.06)
A2 (narration) (3.34)
A2 (Fuzz guitars) (4.46)
B2 (Tar) (5.04)
C2 (Tar) (5.24)
A2 (narration) (5.49)
A2 (Tar and truncated synth bubbles) (6.23)
A2 + D1 (woo, woo, woos)
A2 (narration) (7.35)
A2 (Fuzz guitars) (9.07)
B2 (Tar) (9.24)
C2 (Tar + electric guitars) (9.44)
A2 (voice synth)
A2 (narration) (10.42)
A2 (Fuzz guitars) (11.35)
A2 (Bass guitar) (0.31)
A2 (narration and artilleryman talking) (1.38)
A3 (Acoustic and electric guitars then synth) (2.17)
B3 (Oboe synth and narration) (2.50)
Jet sound effect
A3 (Oboe synth – tempo increases and key change Db) (3.10)
B3 (narration) (3.30)
C3 (Horn synth (Martian motif) and oboe synth (humanity) reply) (4.10) narration
A1 (back to main theme strings and harpsichord and fuzzed guitars: key is now Dm) (4.48)
B3 (fragment narration) (4.59)
C3 (martian horn motif and oboe narration Ulla!) (5.28)
D3 (Thunderchild synth motif – based on A1?) (5.58)
C3 (Martian horn motif Ulla!) (6.05)
D3 (Thunderchild synth motif) (6.35)
C3 (Martian horn motif Ulla!) (6.43)
A1 (Fuzz guitar – Heat Ray theme) (7.08)
D3 (7.39)
C3 (7.45)
B3 (narration) (8.28)
D3 (8.57)
B3 (Oboe synth)
C3 (with heat ray mixed in) (10.36)
Big Ben strikes – narration (0.23)
A4 (verse 1 – acoustic guitar) (1.00)
A4 (verse 2 – add strings) (1.32)
B4 (chorus) (1.51)
A4 (verse 3) (2.34)
A3 (narration) (3.08)
B4 (chorus) (3.26)
A4 (verse 4) (4.16)
A3 (narration) (4.43)
C3 (narration) (5.15)
A1 (main theme then narration) (5.53)
Steamer horn blows
A3 (narration) (6.41)
B4 (chorus) (6.59)
A4 (verse 1 again) (7.43)
C3 (0.18)
A1 (narration) (0.55)
A5 (verse 1) (1.25)
A5 (verse 2) (2.01)
C3 (narration) (2.14)
C3 (Fuzzed guitars – heat ray) (2.40)
D3 (Thunderchild synth) (3.11)
C3 (3.18)
A5 (verse 3) (4.14)
C3 (narration) (4.36)
A1 (1/2) (5.14)
D1 (woo, woo, woos) (6.06)
D1 (woo, woo, woos then narration) (0.42)
A6 (Pipe synth and piano – red weed vista) (1.12)
B6 (Flute synth – red weed is slimey) (2.00)
A6 (Pipe synth) (2.28)
B6 (Squashy synth and theremin) (3.24)
C6 (Electric guitars – red weed flowering) (4.10)
A6 (Pipe synth) (4.49)
B6 (narration) (5.15)
A6 (Pipe synth, wah and fuzz guitars) (5.53)
A6 (narration then Beth calling, ‘Nathaniel! Nathaniel!’) (0.14)
A7 (Electric piano and horn synth – Parson Nathaniel’s theme) (0.40)
C7 (acoustic guitar – Beth theme) (0.48)
A7 (Beth talks as Nathaniel rants) (1.15)
C7 (Beth talks to narrator) (1.30)
C7 (Ulla! Beth – ‘Dear God help us.’ Nathaniel – ‘The voice of the devil is heard in our land!’ Whoosh!) (1.44)
A7 (verse 1 – Nathaniel sings) (2.13)
B7 (chorus – Beth sings) (2.40)
A7 (verse 2 – Nathaniel sings) (3.15)
B7 (chorus – Beth sings) (3.42)
D7 (Electric guitar) (3.48)
D7 (middle eight 1 – Nathaniel rants, ‘Didn’t I warn them?’) (4.29)
C7 (middle eight 2 – Beth, ‘No Nathaniel’) (5.43)
A7 (verse 3 – Nathaniel sings) (6.19)
B7 (chorus – Beth sings) (6.46)
A7 (Nathaniel, ‘Forget about goodness and mercy. They’re gone’) (6.52)
D7 (middle eight 1 – Guitars and Nathaniel ranting) (8.01)
C7 (middle right 2 – Beth, ‘No Nathaniel’) (8.55)
Sound of cylinder approaching (8.59)
A7 (Electric piano and horn synth and sound of shattering glass) (9.20)
A7 (Bass – narration) (9.48)
B7 (Electric guitars and Nathaniel ranting) (10.17)
B7 (chorus – Nathaniel takes Beth’s chorus) (10:34)
C7 (acoustic strumming + bass + strings) (10.50)
A7 (Bass guitar then narrator) (11.38)
A6 (chime and pipe synth then narration and parson ranting) (2.00)
A6 (Fuzzed guitars and strings) (2.42)
C6 (3.24)
B6 (Pipe synth then narration) (4.35)
A6 (Pipe synth then fuzzed guitars) (5.26)
D1 (woo, woo, woos) (0.20)
A2 (Bass guitar with harpsichord and wah guitar then narration) (1.27)
D1 (woo, woo, woos) (0.06)
Synthesised wind sound – artilleryman and narrator talking (0.42)
B8 (chorus – horn synth artillery man talking) (1.51)
A8 (verse 1) (2.27)
B8 (chorus) (3.06)
E8 (Acoustic guitar strumming – artilleryman talking) (4.02)
E8 (military band) (4.17)
B8 (Electric guitar) (4.38)
A8 (verse 2) (4.48)
B8 (chorus) (5.08)
A8 (verse 3) (5.19)
B8 (chorus) (5.40)
C8 (middle eight – arpeggio guitar) (5.54)
D8 (build – vibe guitar) (6.08)
B8 (Electric guitar) (6.27)
E8 (synth) (6.46)
B8 (Electric guitar) (6.55)
C8 (middle eight – arpeggio guitar) (7.09)
D8 (build – vibe guitar) (7.22)
A8 (verse 4) (7.32)
B8 (chorus) (7.54)
E8 (Acoustic guitar and military band) (8.37)
A8 (verse 5) (8.56)
B8 (chorus) (9.35)
E8 (artillery man talking) (9.59)
E8 (narrator) (10.10)
E8 (artilleryman talking) (10.37)
E8 (narrator) (11.20)
B8 (chorus) (11.37)
A8 (verse 1) (12.13)
Synthesised wind sound (0.10)
D3 (Thunderchild synth riff played slowly and guitar harmonics) (1.16)
A9 (Jangle piano then narration) (1.45)
A9 (Electric guitar) (2.19)
A9 (Ulla! narration and electric guitar) (2.43)
A9 (Ulla! electric guitar and synth then narration) (3.37)
A9 (Ulla! electric guitar then narration) (4.55)
A9 (Ulla!) (5.07)
Silence then narration (5.29)
A1 (main theme strings/synth and narration) (6.22)
C1 (Pipe synth) (6.51)
A1 (Harpsichord then narration) (7.28)
B1 (narration) (7.51)
C1 (8.08)
A1 (8.35)
E8 (synth then narration and clean electric guitar solo) (2.31)
(woo, woo, woos)
For more information I recommend watching the DVD ‘War of the Worlds Deconstructed’ featuring an interview with Jeff Wayne. This is one of the discs found in the special edition of the album. It’s also worth checking out There is also an excellent article by Simon Inglis describing how the album was remixed and remastered for Dolby 5.1 surround sound in 2005. Finally, the music score for ‘The War of the Worlds’ was published by ‘Wise Publications’—ISBN 0.86001.572.6. It’s now out of print, however copies do turn up on Ebay once in awhile.
The entire website is copyright © 1963-2022 by EFFECTRODE THERMIONIC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the author.